So the file does not just in the mod folder and complained here then the charger will not appear in the game.
This is my first skin, helpful criticism and recommendations erwüncht.
Link to reason Mod:
Tuturial to insert the Skinnes:
Download -Skinn and loaders
File of the loader unpack and Skinn file also
Open -The folder “textures”, and insert my Skinn. (If the window with the text: “The file is received berreits they want to replace this” just click on “Yes”)
-Then Again everything fit into a zip file (right click => Send to => zipped folder)
Insert -In the mod folder
Open -The game and he should, if you did everything right, appear in the game.
Enjoy demSkinn and the Mod.
Please no suggestions for improvement of the mode in the comments, just for the skin!
The skin may be uploaded to any other pages!
Greeting LS Zocker98
The post Class Scorpion 7044 Black V 1.0 Mod appeared first on Monkey Mods.