Today I put my map to download. Despite many hours have been spent testing the map, there may be errors here and there. I look forward at any time through constructive criticism and suggestions (please PM) In the WIP area I inform you continue to like about scheduled updates.
About the story
Agriculture has always been one of your heart’s desires.
But the rest court in his home village provides barely enough room for your two horses. An expansion of the Court is excluded as a development area has taken the necessary space.
So you have no other choice but to resort to an external homestead.
It is up to you: Do you want to dairy farming, pig or cattle
Focusing. Or would you rather take the sheep or the chicken farm in attack? Or even
nothing of all this? To use the plants for the purely agricultural.
At the beginning you have only a few individual fields that you can plant your.
There will certainly be no easy task. Take heart, you will master it already!
– In this sense,
Bannig veel Vergnögen!
Technical Specifications
Start of construction: November 3, 2014
Construction time:> 270 hours
Construction progress: 95%
For testing purposes Playtime:> 60 h (Single Player)
Die Map wurde in Eigenarbeit von Lennoxx erstellt.
Ich danke an dieser Stelle allen Moddern für deren tolle Objekte, die ich verwendet habe. Sollte ich einen Modder vergessen haben, bitte melden. Ich werde dies dann selbstverständlich nachholen.
Auf dieser Map habe ich viele Objekte verbaut. Ich danke an dieser Stelle u.a. folgenden Moddern für deren tolle Vorarbeit.
AnimationMapDoor by VertexDesign
Animierte Bullen by Luculus / Marhu
BGA by Hewaaa
Bullenstall by The_Green_Flash
ChoppedStraw by webalizer
EierGitterBox by Eisbearg
Feldkaufschild by Fendtfan1
Fermenter by NKB-Modding
Futterlager by LS-Andy / s4t4n
Güller Verkauf by Zatoxx
Kleine Feuerwehr by möchtegernbauer
Landhandel by Eifok-Team
Mastanlagen by Marhu
Misthaufen by Fendtfan1
Soil Mod by Decker_MMIV
Straßenschilder by Nick98.1
Straßenset by Fatian
Verwaltungsgebäude by NKB-Modding
Watermod by Marhu
The post Holstein Switzerland V 1.1 LS2015 appeared first on Monkey Mods.