This is the Rotech 830 Bulldozer which was converted from the Giants game Demolition Company Gold.
This mod has animated front blade, rear ripper and working steel tracks. The blade and ripper are mouse controlled. Also features front and rear
work lights.
There are no working functions such as plow or cultivate from the blades, but that can be added to give this machine a use,
otherwise it is a “fun mod” for driving around.
Side blade extensions added by JohnDeere
1952 to assist in gathering rocks from the rockspawn mod. Also would be useful for pushing
small tree limbs , short logs and bales.
If anybody wishes to make ashable or have other functions, feel free to edit and reupload. If you do keep credits and add yourself.
You are free to add any additional features or functions and upload and share with the community.
The price is $1,600 for the bulldozer and the daily upkeep is $95
Thanks for downloading!
The post ROTECH 830 BULLDOZER V1.0 for LS2015 appeared first on Monkey Mods.