Included: Tractor VOLVO FH16, trailer, trailer with two turntable (two-axle and three-axle) trailer for filling planters and fertilizer spreaders.
Volvo FH16 – Power 750 hp, 750 hp Speed 73 km / h, 99 km / h. Lighting, working instrument panel and mirrors animation farmer’s hand, color choice when buying,
The body of the truck is closed tarpaulin, leave traces of dust from the wheels. Washable. The volume of the truck: 40000 liters.
Semi – Lighting, color choices when buying, closed tarpaulin, leaving traces of dust from the wheels. Capacity: 65,000 liters. Transports: wheat, barley, canola, corn, chaff, potato, sugar beet, silage, wood chips.
Trailers with turn – Lighting, color choices when buying, closed tarpaulin, tow hitch, leave traces of dust from the wheels. Capacity: 40,000 liters, 50,000 liters. Trucks and trailers. Transported: wheat, barley, canola, corn, chaff, potato, sugar beet, silage, wood chips, manure, grass, hay, straw (wheat and barley).
Semitrailer for filling planters and fertilizer spreaders – Lighting, color choices when buying, closed tarpaulin, exposed pipe, adjustable tube (mouse) leaves traces of dust from the wheels. Capacity: 40,000 liters. Transports: fertilizer, seeds. All trailers are washable.
Installation: Download the file zip, unzip. Lessons zip files are copied to the folder My Documents My Games FarmingSimulator2015 mods
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