This is Cherry Hills V1.1 x4 map aka Project 4. Renamed by Tex from Puma Plow.
The map features just 17 huge natural shaped fields with multiple elevation changes, huge natural forestry areas. Many lakes all supplying free water, multifruit oat, sorghum, rye, soybeans and sunflowers, custom multifruit handling files and embedded fill planes and particles for all in game equipment. custom detailed PDA map, 2 farms, Soilmod, damage mod, terrain and dirt mod ready, chopped straw, custom demand missions, animal fattening, composting, many installed mods by some of the best mod makers around. There’s many ways to make money, have fun and pass the hours by in the map.
Sever tested by Puma Plow. Open Server by Puma Plow.
Requires a High PC spec and graphics card to play as it was intended.
V1.1 Update.
15m Spruce trees are fixed and textures tweaked.
Holes at the BHP2 fixed. All mast manure heaps and conveyors fixed.
Pipe work on the egg laying station fixed.
Cow manure clamp tweaked.
Cow Navmesh edited cows no longer need to hold there breath in the pond.
Mast Potato heaps reset.
Icons added to map for compost plant and south green house production.
Silo Readouts Fixed.
Live ticker overlap fixed.
New distance hills texture added.
Server warnings fixed for texture size limits, copy files, Ringwoods text in huds, and space characters.
File size reduced.
Shader distance views matched to the map.
There’s more, have fun with it.
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