Version 3.4
Strohlager gefixed
Neues Weidetor von DaGrosseLP verbaut
Unterstand im Tal gelöscht und Fläche für plazierbare Gebäude angepasst
Erste eigene Sounds eingefügt. Diese werden nach und nach ausgetauscht
You get your hands on a smal farm in the middle of the Schwarzwald (blackwood) in south germany. With his 30acres of farming ground and roundabout 20 acres of meadows and greenland is this farm perfect for playing in singleplayer or with one or two friends in multiplayer with smal equipment. The growth times are KandS typical changed to our “24 hours ingame are one year in growthtimes” cycle. So you have enough time to make some forestwork, give our animals something to eat, bring the haybales to the farm or play just a little bit slower. A sceenshot of the groth times is attached here and in our facebook site to watch and to download.
Beside the whole transformation to the fs15 optics and functionallity, with complete forest and 5 areas with big trees, we have also build in some extensions. In front of curse the AnimationMapTrigger. Then the manure/lime mod and the watermod for the animals and next the chopped straw mod. We have also build in the original missions with the jobboards. Cows, chicken and sheeps waiting for feeding and the motel in the angerer valley waits for potatoes and someone, who files the powerplant with wood ships. The fields are all buyable, the smal bga on the farm runs with the bga extension too and finaly, we build in clover as a between fruit to fertilize some fields in front of maize or potatoe seeding with a growth time of 6 hours.
Short overview of the implemented mods
– AnimationMapTrigger
– Manure / Lime Mod
– Watermod
– Chopped Straw Mod
– Fruit Clover as between fruit
Required and recommended Mods
some more recommended Mods from us:
Im not sure what happened with the FS15. We will see how far and witch way the FS in 2015 will go. So we make some updates when new, nice mods comes out and do some bugfixing. I still have some ideas for the wildcreek valley and there are some other projects waiting to go live in ls15, in front my new map Finsterbrunner Valley, again a hilly map with around 80ha of farming ground. Screenshots and newest Posts on our facebook Site.
Just remains for me to say:
Have fun at work and happy farming !!
Kind regards, Stormi from K und S Modding
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