Welcome at the farm wher cow, sheep and chickens are located at the main farm, the silo’s are gone, and a building now holds your crops, the need to be loaded with frontloader or likewise, a top modern feeding system are installed at the cow stable for easy feeding of mixed food. There needs to be transported water to the animals also, and wheat for the chickens, too.
Wool sale are located next to the Grain Elevator, the BGA are close to the farm, just downhill to the west.
A good beginning for a healthy farm are layed out for you.
Needed mod. Chopped Straw.
Optional, Soil Mod (NOTE. If you don’t want soil mod enabled, DON’T install.)
Thanks to FMC, Webalizer, Marhu, Geneborg, LuxFarm, Frabel LS Modding, Arsenic Modding and Giants for making this map possible.
Happy farming and thanks for bying this great game and downloading my map
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