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**Now with more realistic John Deere paint!

This is a pack including the JD 1890/1910 Air Seeder & Cart (single unit) with Wing Flex in 22m and 14m versions based on the 2009 GIANTS MODCONTEST entry: The John Deere 1910 aircart for LS 2009 and the Bourgault Air Seeder from 2013.

All credit goes to Knagsted and Jerrico for fantastic models–I’m simply an editor with no modelling ability or software. Special thanks to killerrf for his hard work on making the seeder have wing flex, fixing the wheels and for helping get the mod ingame–also be sure to check out his Bourgault seeder with wing flex.

This pack contains 4 seeders with carts: 22m and 14m versions with DSF (direct seeding fertilization) or NoFert (direct seeding without fertilization). The default Air Seeder and Cart are the 22.5 m version based on the real 60′ John Deere model and there is also a 14m set for smaller farms based on the 45′ model. This version features the seeder and cart as ONE IMPLEMENT AND IS NOT SOIL MOD FRIENDLY SINCE YOU CAN’T CHOOSE THE TYPE OF FERTILIZER. If you prefer them to be separate and soil mod friendly, see my other version of this mod available here: http://americaneaglesmodding.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=1210 . The Air Seeder supports the following graintypes: wheat barley rape maize potato sugarBeet grass fertilizer.
Fully washable mod except the Air Cart tanks do not get dirty other than the decals. Also, the fan underneath the Air Cart and the pivots on the wheels of the seeder are perma-dirty and will not wash off.

** NOTE: The Air Seeder and Air Cart are ONE implement and is filled by any seed and fertilizer triggers–tank just needs to be filled with seeds in either version as the DSF starts with 5000 L of fertilizer to make it work properly **

–changed paint job to better simulate John Deere green and match new 9630 paint
–activated rear attacher joint for pulling nurse tank
–added brakeforce to help stop better
–fixed fold animation for 14M version

–added wing flex
–added 14m DSF & NoFert versions

–simplified workArea from 3 to 1- hopefully fixing issue raised by Servant (Thanks for pointing out!)
–scaled tires on air cart to prevent “floating” look–slightly skinnier & taller (Thanks killerrf for idea!)
–altered dirt texture for air cart to be less dirty matching the tanks better-seeder stays the same
–updated store icon

–fixed seeder center frame “skipping” issue-now will sow over all terrain
–fixed missing particle animation in center frame of seeder

–fixed a couple of ‘raw texture format’ errors-guages now show properly on front of air cart
–fixed fan texture on air cart
–deleted ‘seeds2’ filltype to correct that error from showing in log

— Added NO FERTILIZER version so now 2 options packed together
–fixed blinking decal on Air Cart
–moved workarea back a bit into seeder

All standard fruits and fertilizer (DSF version only)

Place the JD_AirSeeder.zip file in the “C:Documents and Settings[user]DocumentsMy GamesFarmingSimulator2015mods” folder

A.I. Helper – Will autostart seeder. Left no skips in my testing on a square field, however, results may vary as with any other seeder in the game.

Courseplay – Will autostart seeder. 22m versions leave very small skips after the second turn at the ends of the field. Courseplay issue that I have no fix for currently. (*see support topic for solution)

Auto Tractor – Not tested. Results may vary.

This section explains to you how to use the JD Air Seeder.

Seeder folds and lowers like any default seeder.

No plowing/harrowing is needed before you can seed. Hence, you can seed directly into the stubble with the JD 1890/1910 Air Seeder.
This saves you a lot of time, fuel and money.

Standard controls

The post JD AIR SEEDER PACK V7.0 FS 15 appeared first on Monkey Mods.

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