I have here again a skin for you.
This time, these are a skin-pack for http://uploadas.com/vowksqxqfb4i/FS15_DAF_XF_E6_HighCab_CEM_Edition.zip.html of RedFoxModdingTeam and for http://www.farmingmods2015.com/schmitz-cargobull-set-v-1-1-hpe-ls-2015/ from DaHoffi.
I had this green and red just too dark and I had to dive the idea the truck and the trailer in the colors of the Bavarian sky and here come this around.
Tuturial to insert the Skines:
Download -Skin and trucks / trailers
Unzip file of the truck / trailer and the skin file also
Open -The folder “textures”, and insert my skin. (If the window with the text: “The file is received they want to replace these” simple “Yes” button)
-Then Again everything fit into a zip file (right click => Send to => zipped folder)
Insert -In the mod folder
Open -The game, then should the two mods, if you have done everything right, appear with the new skin in the game.
If you still have more ideas for colors, she writes in the comments, most with Farbhex.
Prolific criticism is welcome and whom the skin does not like him must not download yes.
Have fun with the skin.
MfG LS Zocker98
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