Ursus 912 yellow and red
Author: Marcello1942, Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus C330 BETA
Author: Giants, Marcello1942 farmer, Perkins, Bociek
Programming: Rockstar94
Script: modelleicher, JoXXer, RivalBomb, Knagsted, Giants, Rockstar94
Ursus C330 Pack
Author: Author: Giants, Roller90
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus C360
Author: Model: Marcello1942
Programming: Rockstar94
Script: Rockstar94, modelleicher, JoXXer, RivalBomb, Knagsted
Ursus 914
Author: Marcello1942, Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Ursus 1224 GR Mokrzyn
Author: Marcello1942, G & M Modding Team, Spinah
In FS15 / Edit / Washable: roller90
Ursus 1614 Tur GR Mokrzyn
Author: Marcello1942, G & M Modding Team, Spinah
Script: Sven777b, Manuel Leithner, Burner, Modelleicher, fozzy691, fruktor, Aranea
In FS15 / Edit / Washable: roller90
Zetor 10145
Author: Marcello1942, Spinah
FS 15: pawlo101299
Zetor 7745
Author: Agromet, roller90, TomasT150
Bizon Z056 / 7 Super
Author: Model: Marcello1942, Asd4, Fumski
Programming: Rockstar94
Script: Rockstar94
Edit: DEATHdriver
Bizon Z056 cabin Pomarańczka
Author: LS15: Rockstar94 (rEC2)
Don 680M
Author: Shnurok, YegorDvachevsky, ANDREI1994
Author: Model: Agromet
Konwert & Edit: FSmaniacModTeam
Union Max
Author: FS13: Mati7766, Adrian
FS15: DEATHdriver
Union Kommbi 5.6
Author: Model: Solanz Texture: Rubber
FS15: DEATHdriver
Cut Union L
Author: FS13: Spinah, Lech
FS15: DEATHdriver
Sipma Prairie 1600
Author: Model: Robert
Programming: Robert / Przemek
Script: Przemek / Fumski
FS 15: 765 Matejko
Rotary Z-173
Author: Model: LOLLL116
Programming: Rockstar94
Script: Rockstar94, Grzegorz056, Manuel Leithner, Burner
Author: Model: Pavson69 / Texture and fixes: Rockstar94
Programming: Rockstar94
Script: Rockstar94, Manuel Leithner, Burner
OP 2000
Author: LSSA modding team, Trololo, GoldenShoes
Bale Fork Metalfach
KTU 10
Author: LSSA Modding Team, dim-dim, ANDREI199
Sano TMR
Author: Veter
Agromet H-152
Author: Model: MichalLS
Programming: Adam 334
Script: Fruktor, Adam 334
InGame: Napoleon
Agromet Z223
Author: Model: Perkins
Ingame: Burner
Script: Burner, Sven777b, sven18koehler, J & B Modding
Help: Svitch, Fallout
Edit: Marcin10m19, darek789789
Konwert to FS15: Rockstar94
Sipma Z224 / 1
Author: Model: Perkins
Ingame: Burner
Script: Burner, Sven777b, sven18koehler, J & B Modding
Help: Svitch, Fallout
Konwert to FS15: Rockstar94
Sipma Z279
Author: Model: Citrus
In game: Adri @ n
Haymakers / Rakes
Agromet-Famarol Z211 / 2
Model: Agromet
Inagme / Script: Burner
Help: Svitch, maciusboss1
Konwert for FS2015: Rockstar94
Agromet Z234 Taśmówka
Author: Model: 9michael6
Programming: 9michael6
Script: Burner
In FS 15: Romet
Dirty Up: 3p
Agrozet 4 furrow
Author: CSMC-czechoslovakiamodscompany, GixXxeR
Author: Vanya Martynyuk, 36 region, Blazer
Sipma RN610 Antek
Author: Model: (?), DEATHdriver
FS15: DEATHdriver
Author: Mr.Dinamit88
Rolmasz Polonaise S078
Author: FS13: dziuniek, Pavson69, Lech
FS15: DEATHdriver
Water cart:
Author: – Model: Giants, Spinah
– TEXTI: Giants, Spinah
– Ingame: Lech & Ziuta
– FS15: Ziuta
Ursus N228
Author: LS13: GASEK01
LS15: G_r_z_e_S
Mod pack trailer:
Basic ** ** Baboon
Total edit ** ** Heros
The authors textures or models are not known
Fiat 126p FL 650E
hiding Hudów
Author: ClodTIF
acceleration time
Author: Badtime
Plater Camera
Author: Heady
The darker the night
Author: – fatman
– FS15-gabrysg18
Green corn biomass
Author: upsidedown
Ironing grass
Author: derSchreiner
Mod chopped
Author: webalizer
fast Walking
Author: pepefe
folowing Camera
Author: Farmer Hax
Creating a field cultivator
Author: Script- TTV 620
Test – Agrarservice SHS
Animation Map Trigger
Author: script: Xentro
Bale Counter
Author: Desperados93
Szubkie buying animals
Author: Marchu
manual Hitching
Author: Script: Burner
Help / testing: maciusboss1
manual Opdal
Author: Script: Xentro
Hud / Graphics: Niggels
No Gloss
Author: RivalBomb
Author: Ur-Skript Autopilot: Zartask
LS09 Skript Autopilot: Mr. F
Autopilot LS11 Skript für Mähdrescher: gotchTOM
LS13 & LS15 und Umbau They could aka biedens
sounds Trailers
Author: They could erstellung vom script LudmillaPower Reifen & Sound
charly99 und alle anderen Sounds ideas
Heap Tip Trigger
Author: planet-ls
clock v1.1
Author: Rockstar94
Bale Extesion
Skript: upsidedown
Artwork: Eribus
By mod-pack is polskiegospo
Mods are not mine so do not fissionable himself to them any rights.
The post PACK POLISH MACHINES for FS15 appeared first on Monkey Mods.